Sunday, November 15, 2009

How Quickly Time Flies

Hard to believe the twins are nine months old and the holidays are just right around the corner. Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the new year and the arrival of the babies.

Yesterday the twins were Baptized and of course there was a huge party afterwards. I wasn't able to attend the Baptism so I'm waiting on someone else to send me picstures so I can share but I do have a few pics from the party.

Mom and Sheyla

The entire clan. It's not very often we are all together.
Myself, Mom, Felix, Pollo, Grandma, Emily, Taylor, Cristy, Sheyla

Mom, Sheyla, Grandma, Emily, Felix, Taylor

Mom, Emily, Sheyla, Grandma

I forget to pics of the cake once it was finished so by the time I had a chance it already had a few places in where where people were tasting and the top of the cake was a bit lopsided because people were bumping the table. Oh well, it was stll yummy.

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